Thursday 15 July 2010

Epilogue: "The Winds of Fate"

[[This post comes complete with fitting music to aid your Reading pleasure]]


"The last breath, the last post"

Your wandering around the open fields that used to house my life, dead posts lie around you, forgotten thoughts, lost memories and old images litter the floor as forgotten corpses.
The air is cool as it gently brushes up your body and across your face, its apparent that this once beautiful land is old, unforgiving and desolate.

Many moons have passed since a young man claimed these lands as his own, flourishing with ideas, with thoughts and with laughter.
Bu those days are long gone, the land lays in ruin, with no way to save it.
The land begins to crumble away falling into the abyss thats know as "the infinite space of the Internet".
People can be seen wandering like lost souls, struggling to make out how their once mighty king, Kikojui, could let this happen.

Some time passes and a thick fog descends down from the heavens, sweeping away the dead like forgotten memories in an endless sea of time.

This is the end of this world, all who remain, walk alone, only comforted by the a few glimmering posts of old, the time has come to evacuate this land, and find salvation elsewhere...

A light shines, from death comes rebirth... and from the divine awakening, comes a new hope, a new world, come, leave this empty coil of a world, and be REBORN!!

Thursday 5 November 2009

Long time no see, readers...

Hi, its me again, and I promised more frequent updates but apparantly a lot like the majority of goverments today, I somehow overlooked this.

Anyway, soem of you might be aware that I have in fact just returned from the land of beautiful women, and giant men, yes thats right, Sweden.

I had a pretty good time, and will blabber on about any new adventures in my new, pirate themed Blog about adventure.. located here--->PIRATE SHIP!

Anyway, back to the home wprld, or trainer island as I call it (long MMORPG joke, read the bottom to discover what I mean*) I have to get my buisness on, and my snack on.

So today, I went about sorting out how I might project manage the few big jobs I have comming up.

Now that I'm back I can say one thing for sure, a lot has happened.

The weather has got increasingly worse, and there have been other minor but very BRITISH details that have in fact evolved during my absence. The game that I totally bum raw at the moment is called "Tera" Its a mmorpg, and yes it still relies on the female characters wearing little and acting like hookers, while the men wear too much armour and for some reason create blue glows whenever they swing a sword. But I do however like its not Fixed battlesystem and graphical beauty, paraelle to no other MMORPG on the market, so yeah, bums away.

Recently found myself Addicted to a facebook game 'resturant city' mainly because it reminded me of theme park and the graphics are relaxing, still its not healthy to play facebook games regardless of the graphics.

Halloween has passed, I was away for it for the first time in my life, I missed the dressing up but thats about it, afterall its just another corpeate nipple that we suck from...

(*Trainer Island expression:  The trainer island is a island on the MMORPG called 'Rappelz' And all new players started on this island, learning how the game is to be plaied and getting ready for the world awaiting them. The UK is a lot like this, A: its a island B: You get free health care, crime rate is low'ish, the terrain is easy to navigate, no real poisonous creatures inhabit this are, no big carnivors inhabit this area, the weather is always stable and not dangerous, not to mention living is cheap, so in life, UK is the trainer island.)

Wednesday 30 September 2009

It's Buisness... It's Buisness Time!!!!

Today I finished rendering down and getting the company name, it's very good and quite trendy, I finished the logo, might end up re-working it again, but we shall see...
Completed the Business Card Front, going to do the back tomorrow and find GOOD quality business card printers.

Got a meeting with the business advisor Thursday next week, and also have to start planning the launch primer. This is looking good guys, Got 3- maybe 4 clients lined up, one of them is a very big job which will generate a LOT of business!!

Acquired a new ONE PAWYCE Buddy <3>
$ for a gold painted flowerpot with forks for arms being sold on E-bay.PEARtatoes... and all sorts of randomness ensued.

Hopefully I'll update more, you beautiful, beautiful readers...


"I Didn't know Cambridge was there!!?!"

Monday 21 September 2009

WTF Blogspot... WTF...

What the Fuck Blogspot, yeah! thats right I'm talking to you, I go through the effort of making a nice new title and you go and piss on my face.

First time I uploaded it it was fine, fitted perfectly, then I noticed you mashed the quality of the image, I was like, OH REALLY!?! and went into photoshop and adjusted the image quality NOTING TO DO WITH ITS SIZE!! 

Then I, and this is the kicker, accidently close photoshit without saving the image as a PSD.. I was a little annoyed but thought its ok at least I have my image, I loaded it in and you piss in my face, so I think shit, must be something I changed, nevermind I kept the orignal one that worked fine, I'll use that and skrimp on the quality (which btw you still ruined in the improved version) but no, you go and piss in my face and my mothers face as she's eating breakfast, and piss in my dads face when he is sleeping and piss in Rizel's face while he is playing monster hunter, and Piss in Kriss's face when he is just putting his moped helmet, you piss in Claire's face when she is drinking morning coffie on oh and not to mention you piss in phils face when he is making close connections to lemons and herrings.... yeah FUCK YOU BLOGSPOT!

Saturday 19 September 2009


Another shit day, after the op my mouth has been rendered usless, I cannot eat, opening my mouth more than a few minimeters results in my stiches going tight...

So for two days now I have not eaten, I have drank lots of water etc, I can't Drink alcohol, I quit smoaking, so I can't do that... My Jade Dynisty character [MMORPG] has no money to buy heal items to lvl, my stepmania skills have vanished thanks to herion tablets [need them for pain]. Cant go outside as face is very swollen and looks like a hampster eating a lot of food, everyone has gone out drinking and left me, I have nothing to do, I would sleep but I have done that practically all day, I would have been (if not for tooth sernario) at a party with phil, but there is no chance of that... Mums sun roast, the highlight of my week, I cannot eat... I can't even have a wank, as the pills kill my sex drive.

I have no games to play, and TV is full of mind numbing spurit crushing crap.

I have... Nothing...

Next few days are really going to test me, I hate being lonley :/

Thursday 17 September 2009

Tooth Final Boss

Got surgery on my tooth tomorrow... Not looking foward to it, but once its done its done, I hope the pain will stop and I'll be able to eat on both sides of my mouth, stop taking weird painkillers and get on with my life.

As for life, I've been writing down my plans, and then breaking them down into small sections so there is some sort of organization in this life. I plan to get the buisness up and running soon, as for what this will intail I have still got to fully decide.

I'm applying for a job at the musem doing 3D and graphical design, no idea if I will get it but not really that fuessed, I only need a job until I can afford to pay for the buisness stuff, like Idealily need enough to get my new PC up and running for recractonal use and transer all data from my mian PC and convert it into a graphical super power, remove all the clutter form it etc.  Also need ot get a few posters printed and buisness cards, as well as the website up and running.

Been Playing Jade dynisty, trying to hit lvl 60 tonight :/ easy botting really as it requires me to only by the items and tell my esper bot to kill.

Was looking at the Rpg revolution forums, seems I'm still a magazine member and one of the sites leaders informed me that I will be apart of the new magazine when its in production.

I have also got to do more work on My rpg maker VX game "A guards tale" I need to finialize the battle system before I can press onwards, once I aquire a new mouse where the Roller wheel works, I can start making the FMV sequences for my game :]

So lets just see how things go!

Tuesday 15 September 2009





EXP BONUS: 40,000


Yeah if you had not guessed, I finally finished my MA WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I'm really proud of myself from comming out of high school with a double C in science and my teachers telling me I'd never become anything, Now I have the highest level of education I could possibly achieve in the feild I like most, Digital Art.

It's been well 8 years since high school, and to finally end my "beginners quest" in my planned life is amazing, basically like all good MMO's I can now travel to the diffrent areas and hopefully soon enough this country and begin my true adventure.

I'd like to thank Michelle, my best friend, for having to put up with the terrible moods I've been in and for going through depression once again, I'd also like to say thanks for calling the NHS for my emergancy dental appointment at 11pm to only get the call back at 4:50 am.

Phil, from my year has basically been my personal tutor, I don't believe that he is greatly more intellegant than me BUT however he is infinatly more organized than me, and passing this course would have been 50-60 tiomes more difficult, so thanks Phil.

It seemed like my luck had gone into the minus region, and it had, everything that could have gone wrong at any point did, but I feel this was fate, giving me the hardest ride so that I would take the most away from this experience.

during this time of bad luck and sadness, I longed for company, Kriss provided me with the male company I needed he was also basically my tech support and personal advisor, he is unaware, but I'm very proud that he helped me and even more proud how much time and effoprt he personally injected, as this is normally a difficult area for him.

Female company, I had none, I spent the last year and a half bitter about the last woman thet totally used my feeling and my good nature, so I found it hard to get close to anyone really. But recently the oppisite has happoened, somehow I have managed to attract several stalkers, now this would have been great for the old me, about a year odd ago, but now, I have just built too big a wall around me. Maybe given some time, and hoping my tooth gets sorted soon I'll be of f these herion dirivative pills and my mood will be better, plus stop having halucinations and other weird side effects...

From now on I promise to update this blog at least 3 times a week...

Anyway, I've rabbled on enough, goodbye you beautiful, beautiful readers...

Wednesday 24 June 2009


Good morining readers...

It is I kiko here, with another update for your taste buds.

Recently I have been bogged down with uni work, and as a result, have not had much time for anything really.

9-10am Wake up

10-10:30 Eat

10:30 Go for a run / Wii fit / Weights.

12:00 Go to liburary and do uni work, check mail, etc
*only avalible tue/wed/fri/sat*
12:00 -2:00 (when liburary is closed) Read Books.

2:00 -5:00 (If sunny, Go and relax, sunbath etc.)

5:00-6:00 Do Rpg Maker VX Project

6:00-6:30 Eat

7:00- Get on Pc and Digitize more work

8:00-Go out, enjoy the night, drink if others are. if not see below.

8:00-10:00 Play PC games/Uni work/Art

10:00-11:00 Go for late run

12:00/1:00/2:00 Sleep


Tuesday 9 June 2009

It's been a long time...

Hello dear readers, I know there... like.... probably one person.

Anyway, This is a reminder that I am here, its just that at this moment I'm in the midst of my Final project in my masters final at uni.

So yeah...


CRAPCOM thats the new logo for the once loyal japaniese video games company, responsible for the deval may cry, resident evil and of course the Monster hunter franchise (with all its "other" products it's pratically a franchise)

This company has STILL to give its western audience the PC version of monster hunter.
A friend of mine ghosted his IP and played, he spoke a sentence of english, and was instantly banned and char deleted.
A bit Zenophobic, and this also happens on the Final Fantasy 11 Servers, where japaniese players make a black list agenst the western world, madness!!!

Anyway, yeah.... grrrr....

Oh and as far as the great warzone 2100, the wars still rage, and soooooon the new texture and game renderer will be created soon.