Wednesday, 30 September 2009

It's Buisness... It's Buisness Time!!!!

Today I finished rendering down and getting the company name, it's very good and quite trendy, I finished the logo, might end up re-working it again, but we shall see...
Completed the Business Card Front, going to do the back tomorrow and find GOOD quality business card printers.

Got a meeting with the business advisor Thursday next week, and also have to start planning the launch primer. This is looking good guys, Got 3- maybe 4 clients lined up, one of them is a very big job which will generate a LOT of business!!

Acquired a new ONE PAWYCE Buddy <3>
$ for a gold painted flowerpot with forks for arms being sold on E-bay.PEARtatoes... and all sorts of randomness ensued.

Hopefully I'll update more, you beautiful, beautiful readers...


"I Didn't know Cambridge was there!!?!"

1 comment:

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