Wednesday, 24 June 2009


Good morining readers...

It is I kiko here, with another update for your taste buds.

Recently I have been bogged down with uni work, and as a result, have not had much time for anything really.

9-10am Wake up

10-10:30 Eat

10:30 Go for a run / Wii fit / Weights.

12:00 Go to liburary and do uni work, check mail, etc
*only avalible tue/wed/fri/sat*
12:00 -2:00 (when liburary is closed) Read Books.

2:00 -5:00 (If sunny, Go and relax, sunbath etc.)

5:00-6:00 Do Rpg Maker VX Project

6:00-6:30 Eat

7:00- Get on Pc and Digitize more work

8:00-Go out, enjoy the night, drink if others are. if not see below.

8:00-10:00 Play PC games/Uni work/Art

10:00-11:00 Go for late run

12:00/1:00/2:00 Sleep


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds oh so healthy, this is not allowed!