Monday, 30 June 2008

Work your cares away, worry for another day...

Fuckking right bitch.

Tastes like chicken and hot monkey sweat with dancing old ladies riding inflatable wales that ressemble a microwaves insides.

Dam song should be "Work your brain away, muhhun mumhn mhu mun muhum mummun, muhmmunmum Down in fraggle rock.

So like a pedo in mothercare, its warm in here, got to go you beautiful viewers.

I has worked too hard :(

so for you.

A cheap LOL.

Ironically this is the phrase that comes from my moth the most when playing "sliding coloured cube of confusion".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It has been warm lately hasn't it? I think it's great personally... great for DDR too. ;P

Take care dude!