Tuesday, 2 December 2008

A horizon of sunbeams...

Over the hill a shadow removes a segment of sky, this figure slowley approaches you.

It is me, Kiko, Back from a long break.

And I brought back something I used to love but for some reason forgot.

8 bit.

The Audio, graphics and gameplay, second to none.

But I got to keep this on the low down, because those faker emo's and "scene" cults are currently obsessed with this too, but not the right reasons. yeah 8 bit is cool, but don't even talk to me unless you have seen heard and played the best.

Audio, Kirby's dreamland, some game on the amiga where you play as a little girl jumping through the forest fighting things like bees etc, switchblade, turrican 1/2, syndicate, Alien breed, second samurai, bubble bobble, any bitmap bro's game... and so on.

ok anyway, if anyone still reads this then say so, if not say so, damn webghost. OOOOHHHH

"the village?"

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Dance Dance Mega Sun Lotion

So as the DDR compitition looms over, my training has been increased to meet the demand of expectaton of my student, Mark.
His DDR skills have doubled each month of training and i am now having to speed up to keep him from my heels.

anyway I am prepared for the tournement and will give it my all... Wish me luck viewers.

Monday, 30 June 2008

Work your cares away, worry for another day...

Fuckking right bitch.

Tastes like chicken and hot monkey sweat with dancing old ladies riding inflatable wales that ressemble a microwaves insides.

Dam song should be "Work your brain away, muhhun mumhn mhu mun muhum mummun, muhmmunmum Down in fraggle rock.

So like a pedo in mothercare, its warm in here, got to go you beautiful viewers.

I has worked too hard :(

so for you.

A cheap LOL.

Ironically this is the phrase that comes from my moth the most when playing "sliding coloured cube of confusion".

Wednesday, 18 June 2008

If I have to wait another damn day...

I love monster hunter, and monster hunter 2, BUT now there is a monster hunter 2 G!!!

The "G" by the way, stands for GOOD the game looks amazing.

All it really is, is an expansion set for the game so to speak, new missions/monsters/armours/weapons and a system that lets you hire cats to fight for you!

damn... even writing about this is getting me pissed.

*above image is another reason capcom kicked it's europe audiuence right in the babymaker*


more monsters, weps, etc but this time its a realtime MMO (use's PC's and internet to play, instead of PSP and social abilitys)

most of the good bits from frontier, made it onto monster hunter 2 G, but this is a "Asia" only game. IP's from western countries are banned from playing.

thanks Crapcom, thanks a lot.

soon there will be monster hunter movies that will only be for eastern countries and not to mention clothing, that if a westerner wears, will combust.



Monday, 19 May 2008

Hi you beautiful beautiful readers, i am back ;)

I am back readers...

Hi you beautiful beautiful readers, i am back ;)

its me, Boo!

Back for another round, been a little up in the air but I promise I will return.

Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Fuckking Tired...

I am sooo tired... its 4:24 am...





too many smokes...

good night, you beautiful, beautiful readers.

Monday, 25 February 2008


I fuckkinh need help XD




One BIG fuckking mistake!! Like... Godzilla on crack riding in a godzilla scaled hummer with fighter jet wings comming out the size swinging the moon


f u c k

I thought my resubmission of the MA bore unit, oops i mean MA Core unit, was on the 28th....

No no no it was the 21st... meaning that even though i had done it last week i thought i could wait until i go to uni this thursday and hand it in.

But because i have no net at home yet, i only got the message warning me i needed it in on the 21st, on the 21st...

see, no good can come from not having the internet.

looks like i might be fucked.


Thursday, 31 January 2008

You Fuckking What?!

Yeah thats right, you heard.





I am at uni atm, checking mail etc, I decided to go to mc donalds, don't ask why as I am totally unsure myself, maybe some suttle propaganda "influenced" me... who knows.

Anyway man it sucked a cat's testie.

Someone had apparantly got confused and instead of saturating my food with fat, it was apparantly dropped into a vat of salt and pepper, no joke, it was a black burger, and it was not from burning, pure pepper, totally rendering it un eatable (for a normal man).
I pushed the boundrys of tourture and ate it.
Fuckking gross.
Never again.

Sweet mother of pear, it's 4:15!! I got like 5 mins to a meeting.

Then I go pick jackus up, slap him about and drive him home where I shall shackle him and put an apple in his mouth...


You beautiful beautiful readers ;)

Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Good MORNING VIETNAM!!... Oh? afternoon is it eh?

Recently, through several way's, I have managed to trick my body into waking up at stupid'o clock but not the am kind.

12 and 1 pm seem to be the favourites.

So tomorrow I am setting my alarm for 9am, I aim by next week to naturally wake at 8:30am that would totally rule.


Next up is my buisness... I really have got to knuckle down and get this prep work done -_-;

I have also noticed, since this year all my sentences have been getting more and more spaced apart. Why the fuck have I been doing this.

I'll tell you.


UNINTERNET syndrome.

Slowley but surley I have been shutting down my 1337 net skills (not that I had any but meh)

So as time goes on Ill space these more and more apart until I use a page a sentence.

Ok... Feel a bit better now, kinda.


Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Why I am Actually A Douch...But soon to be Awsome, so the balance is restored.

Greetings It is me again... Of coirse, I mean who else would you have been expecting to hear from on here?

Well, It has come to my attention that I am actually A Douch. Fact.

I'll Explain, I have a handfull of contacts that I regulaly Talk with on MSN.

Two of them are hot, and the fact I am not talking to these people makes me a douch.

Anyway Also I Fuckking Miss rappelz, Youtube, 4chan*shudders*, Chating on msn, downloading shit, watching shit, Animethat.com, ebaumsworld.com, newgrounds.com, Rpgpalace, Capcom Monsterhunter forums, forums, porn and um, Arranging Wicked sick meet up's with some of my contacts.

Basicly, I miss the net.


I plan to get it like A.S.A.P I am going to phone for it today. :)

So I'l be on again soon :)

:)<------ *that one was for fun*

Ok, Now Once I have got nets I'll be offically Awsome!!! nice eh?!

Right, I am off now

Got to go see God and negotiate a broadband package I can afford :P

Ill contact him once I scale this damn ladder...

Oh And Toko Is Looming over the horizon.... 4 Days of awsome await...

Monday, 28 January 2008

Live for the life not the moment... 3 mins to shutdown.

Ok only got a small amount of time before it happens...

Just thought I'd say hi and I love you all :)

anyway, it draws near and I only have this chance until I get the oppitunity to see you face to face in the other world.

Stay vigilant Readers...


Wednesday, 9 January 2008

A few good men and a few good days...

A couple of days ago i had a visitor (Rizel) for 4 days of mayhem and fun.this became an epic 4 days of sleeping and just chillaxing to the max!
then a couple of days later, I had both the legandary Jackus and rizel at the same time!!!
this became EPIC forest wandering, tree felling, ropeswinging, Ragnarok learning 3 days of Epic win.
I only hope I get more visitors soon...

Soon my pretty's... Very Very soon...

Friday, 4 January 2008

Long time no.... post

Hello my astute readers.

first of all, happy new year!!!

I spent mine playing cards in a poory lit room.

losing chips and sanity.

annnyway after hording kills for the "loot" I have finally saved up enough to buy this bad boy.

God smiled and all was right with the world.

oh I still have the worst luck ever, but at least I can now take super awsome pics about it XD.

So, today I will be taking images of the flat and maybe myself, if your lucky :P

Hopefully I will have the much needed tech support from a good friend of mine called "jackusuperawsomevertimeatragnarokonline"

he will hopefully be all I need ot have my private RO server up and running.

anyone interested in joining the server, please feel free to email me or something as only a very tiny percent of my readers actually use blogspot, tisk tisk.

right gtg now and harrass a friend and get my pics done.


I fucking miss rappelz ;_;