An epic journey to university awaits me.
And as Phill instructed, I needed the best wit, enormous amounts of luck and of course the staple £4 for the cafe's most delicious offerings.
this will not be an easy task.
And as Phill instructed, I needed the best wit, enormous amounts of luck and of course the staple £4 for the cafe's most delicious offerings.
this will not be an easy task.
And I'll need mad horse chopping skillz like this!!
I will meet foe's STRONGER than this fiend.
And Throw ketchup sachets at people with great velocity! LIKE A NINJA!

I will need the following equipment...WEP:
PSP(sub equipped with monster hunter2) Books and mass's of paperwork (fight off boredom and the feminist lecture lady)
Sub framed cotton stabilizer (coat)
enough for the ride there and foodage.
Headphones to drown out the mulling of the bus zombies.
tomorrow will be made of much WIN!!!
Good day to you, the astute readers!
wish me luck ^_^
I do enjoy Thursdays, and i do hope there is ninjas about.
Dude epic classic win right there, loled muchly.
Hope all is going well for you ^_^
I has a random blog too now.
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