I made this image, and it was supposed to be really funny, but alas, this blogger smite'd me by resizing the image to a size where the text is now unreadable.
Basically, I was having an argument with an NPC simply because he was korean, yes the private server I play this on is korean, so i can't even finish my quests as there in korean, plus the tutorial consisted of korean...
Basically, any information available to me was in korean, and to top it, a mech of awesomeness was like "n00bs, you gotta love um".
anyway i have started playing this game, just because I always wanted to...
anyway now off..
Got work tomorrow ^_-
Server name and stuff plox xD
and I play RF Ultimate
its an ENGLISH private server >_>
Ben, you can click on the picture to make it larger. That way you can read it.
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