Thursday, 5 November 2009

Long time no see, readers...

Hi, its me again, and I promised more frequent updates but apparantly a lot like the majority of goverments today, I somehow overlooked this.

Anyway, soem of you might be aware that I have in fact just returned from the land of beautiful women, and giant men, yes thats right, Sweden.

I had a pretty good time, and will blabber on about any new adventures in my new, pirate themed Blog about adventure.. located here--->PIRATE SHIP!

Anyway, back to the home wprld, or trainer island as I call it (long MMORPG joke, read the bottom to discover what I mean*) I have to get my buisness on, and my snack on.

So today, I went about sorting out how I might project manage the few big jobs I have comming up.

Now that I'm back I can say one thing for sure, a lot has happened.

The weather has got increasingly worse, and there have been other minor but very BRITISH details that have in fact evolved during my absence. The game that I totally bum raw at the moment is called "Tera" Its a mmorpg, and yes it still relies on the female characters wearing little and acting like hookers, while the men wear too much armour and for some reason create blue glows whenever they swing a sword. But I do however like its not Fixed battlesystem and graphical beauty, paraelle to no other MMORPG on the market, so yeah, bums away.

Recently found myself Addicted to a facebook game 'resturant city' mainly because it reminded me of theme park and the graphics are relaxing, still its not healthy to play facebook games regardless of the graphics.

Halloween has passed, I was away for it for the first time in my life, I missed the dressing up but thats about it, afterall its just another corpeate nipple that we suck from...

(*Trainer Island expression:  The trainer island is a island on the MMORPG called 'Rappelz' And all new players started on this island, learning how the game is to be plaied and getting ready for the world awaiting them. The UK is a lot like this, A: its a island B: You get free health care, crime rate is low'ish, the terrain is easy to navigate, no real poisonous creatures inhabit this are, no big carnivors inhabit this area, the weather is always stable and not dangerous, not to mention living is cheap, so in life, UK is the trainer island.)